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Monday, 4 February 2013

alittleBIGmission 2013

my biggest missionn in 2013 is to buy andriodphone but, unfortunately,instead of buying andriod phone, i was excidently bought a tab, oh reallyyyyybende yg paling aku kutuk satu mase dulu...denggsss..so, too u ,ouhh people out thereee,no nidd sgt nk judge something yg sgt xperlu nk judge becozz xde org nk tau sgt pun ape yg u rase..u rase u punye pasal kan..xperluuu sgt nk kekutuk org kat laman sosiaalll ni ha...mcm nk attention sgt je..haha,patheticccc n opsss, aku taknak jd mcm kau..so ill stop my tulisann pasal u,u n uuuuuu..

then, continueeed after some iklan, hihi. english bersepahh, kayy im not an engglishh teacher,but my bf was.kihkih. #ahmaddanialsilajadicikgusupayebolehajasayeyglembssbi niii..hashtag paling panjang aku. sila jgn annoying dgn saye...lalalala,then iklan lg.

sebenarnye aku nak NAK NAK nak pegi singaporrrree pleaseeeeeeeee


nak pegi singaporeee..sila kumpul duit nk teman aku p singaporree..kihkih.aku tau xde sape nye nk ikut tp dtujukan khasss kpd sape yg nak ikutt shj,  tnc.haha.merapu..

well cite kak limah 2 ni mcm okayyy je. balatubalaaa.haha

adioss n selamatmalammm dearyyy=D

ME.. U..N THEM ---->>??