first time for both of us to go there n travel by bus! beli ticket at one utame, with noob mood, we both ask the penjage ticket, sini ke nk beli tiket p genting? yeaahh. n that guy ask nak pakej ke tket je? err pakej mnde?
then he told us with pakej 60 ringgit, ade tiket pg balik naik bus n skyway n oso outdoor ticket.yess! sgt lahh dialukn wahai abg. tulah yg kami nakkk! yippieeee
it takes 1 hour travel by bus and half an hour on sky-way
n gila lah keramaian pelancong n wateve org yg ade kt sane, even nak naik kete kabel. haha no wonder lah selalu org pegi pagi2 . sbb nauzubillah ramai.
enjoying the view, n ciptaan Allah =D
sampai2 d sane , lost kejap. mne nk p mne nk p weiiii
hoo, get the ticket first! kat pintuuuuu depan. yeehaa, n then start pose
n later, queuing for corkscrew! mhahaha! sumpah panjang tp nk muntah pas naik. feninnnfeninnn
ni bukan corkscrew! tp ni la geng pg sane! haha , after tuuuu, we rushh rushh pegi space shot!
another adventure hooo..x ase kerusi time dia trun. n after beberape kali rasenye naik tanpe kasut lg freedom! yeappp! seriusss heartattack! n i think i prefer this game compared to corkscrew babe. hahah!